Late-breaking abstract submissions for ASLMS 2025 are now closed.
Register for ASLMS 2025 today! High-quality abstracts will be presented each day of the conference, focusing on the latest research in basic science and clinical applications. Learn More
Abstract Review Process
- All abstracts submitted to the Annual Conference will be evaluated by iThenticate (or similar) software to verify the originality of the work. This is used to verify content has not been plagiarized (including self-plagiarism) and cross-references published matter against the submission.
1.1 Submissions with iThenticate scores of 40% or greater will be subject to review by conference planners. The author will be sent a warning letter and requested to advise the appropriate parties on how the material differs from previously published or presented matter.
1.2 Submissions with iThenticate scores of 75% or greater will not be considered for presentation at the Annual Conference.
- The program planners will review iThenticate results and provide feedback on those abstracts scoring 40% or greater as per item 1.1 above. Abstracts that meet acceptable iThenticate criteria are advanced to Abstract Chairs for the next review step.
- The Abstract Chairs perform a final review of all abstracts and determine whether to accept or reject for the appropriate category.
- The Program Chairs may perform an additional review, as needed, after the Abstract Chair review process.
- Full disclosure (regarding conflicts of interest and details in methodology) must be shared, visually and verbally, at the time of presentation. Abstracts that cannot meet this requirement should not be submitted as they will not meet the criteria for acceptance.
** Note: If an abstract is suggested for an alternate category other than the one submitted, the author will be notified and allowed the right of refusal for the category change. If the author declines the new abstract category, the abstract may not be accepted, or the author may request that it be withdrawn.
Additional Guidelines and Expectations for Scientific Abstracts
Submitted abstracts must contain the following elements:
- Clear research problem and/or translational potential based on the hypothesis-driven scientific rationale.
- Appropriate and clearly explained techniques with creative research or common techniques with a “novel issues and questions" approach.
- Clearly described number of experiments/animals with clearly defined measures such as: the use of controls, bioassays, behavioral tests, data analysis/statistical analysis procedures, specific device and/or treatment parameters, and other measures.
- Clearly presented results with demonstrated significance presented as quantitative data with proper statistical information such as standard deviation (SD), standard error of mean (SEM), n- and p-values, and the relationship of the hypothesis and the results addressed.
- Conclusions should accurately reflect the results, address the hypothesis, and be placed in a broader context with a discussion of the translational potential of the research.