Countdown to ASLMS 2018!







Presenter Resources

Please review all information below before proceeding to specific guidelines and upload information pages.

Important Information for all Presenters - Oral Abstract, Faculty and Electronic Poster (ePoster)


ACCME/CME Regulations

Per ACCME/CME regulations, all presentation materials must be without the appearance of a conflict of interest and cannot contain any advertising, trade names, corporate logos, or product-group messages. Presentation materials must be 'generic' rather than 'brand name' in nature and an effort should be made to include other comparable technologies in the discussions (e.g. IPL, RF, etc) and objectively address both the pros and cons of the subject, if applicable

HIPAA Privacy Rule

All patient photographs and data included in your ePoster must comply with current HIPAA regulations and should not contain protected health information. Protected health information includes: a patient’s name, website, home address, any identifying numbers (including Social Security, medical records, insurance numbers, biomedical devices, vehicle identifiers and license number); full facial photos and other biometrics identifiers; and dates (such as birth date, dates of admission and discharge, and death).

Complete Disclosures

  • It is required that all presenting and co-authors provide detail for any and all conflicts and respective company/other relationships for the past 12 months by the corresponding deadline:
    • September 30, 2018 - For initial abstract submissions
    • December 9, 2018 - For late breaking submissions
  • Online disclosure form is located under your profile information with a link on the right hand sidebar.
  • Even if the author has no disclosures to list, the form will still need to be completed stating so. 
  • Once an abstract has been authorized, ASLMS will initially notify all authors of the requirement by email and will send a reminder prior to deadline, but it would be the responsibility of the presenting author to make sure all authors indicated on the abstract submit disclosure.
  • If any author included on the abstract does not submit disclosure by the corresponding deadline, they and the presenting author will be notified and have the following options:
    • Submit disclosure immediately,
    • Remove the delinquent author(s) name from the program, abstract, and LSM Copy or,
    • Remove the abstract from consideration.

Audio / Visual / Speaker Ready Room

  • At the Conference, you will not be able to use your personal laptop computer for your presentation.
  • To assure the smooth transition between presentations, all speakers are required to check their presentations at the ASLMS Speaker Ready Room at least 12 hours in advance of your presentation time. This will allow you time to assure compatibility, prepare, rehearse and finalize your presentation, as you will be able to view and make changes to your presentation before your session.

Speaker Ready Room Hours |room 102

  • Wednesday, March 27 | 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Thursday, March 28 | 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Friday, March 29 | 6:00 AM - 7:30 PM
  • Saturday, March 30 | 6:00 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Sunday, March 31 | 7:00 AM - 11:30 AM

*Times subject to change

Registration Information and Travel Accommodations

Pre-register for the Annual Conference

As an oral presenter, you are responsible for completing your own conference registration and must pay the full registration fee if applicable.

To encourage student participation, we will again offer waived Annual Conference registration fees for residents, post-doctoral fellows-in-training and students (undergraduate and graduate) and a 50% discount on select courses. If you qualify, indicate your status on the registration form and include required documentation.

Register Now 

ALSMS Member Discounts

We invite you to join ASLMS. Members get reduced rates on the Annual Conference registration and pre-conference courses, luncheons and breakfast sessions.

Learn More About ASLMS Benefits

Hotel Reservations

You are responsible for making your own travel and hotel reservations. We encourage you to book early as all reservations will be confirmed on a space available basis within the ASLMS room block.

Reserve Your Hotel Room 

Guidelines and Upload Information

Select the appropriate link below.

Abstract Oral Presentations - OPEN SOON!

Faculty Course Handouts / Slide Presentations - OPEN SOON!
(NOTE - For faculty of course, workshop, breakfast, luncheon and special educational sessions only.)

Electronic Posters (ePosters) - OPEN SOON!
(NOTE - All accepted abstract presenters are also invited to submit an ePoster.)

The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Inc. is the world’s largest scientific organization dedicated to promoting research, education and high standards of clinical care in the field of medical laser applications. It provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information and participation in communicating the latest developments in laser medicine and surgery to clinicians, research investigators, government and regulatory agencies, and the public.

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